StartMIT Inspires Students to Become Entrepreneurs

Welcome to StartMIT 2017!  We are very excited for this year’s two-and-a-half-week program, which exposes undergraduate students, graduate students, and postdocs to various entrepreneurial pathways.

During this IAP course, our students will hear from leaders in innovation, participate in activities to refine their projects, and attend events with alumni and other leaders in the Boston entrepreneurial ecosystem. They will also work with mentors to seek advice and guidance on their ideas, and travel to several field trips to experience the startup culture. We are thrilled that several of the teams who have participated in our program have gone on to start their own companies and explore entrepreneurship activities. As a part of the program, our students will have an understanding of the resources and opportunities available to them during their time at MIT and beyond.

I invite you to learn more about our program through our website and I am pleased to introduce you to our planning committee.


Anantha P. Chandrakasan
Vannevar Bush Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Department Head, MIT Electrical Engineering and Computer Science


StartMIT Planning Committee

Technical Program
Anantha Chandrakasan
Myung-Hee Vabulas

Seed Funding through the MIT Sandbox Innovation Fund 
Ian Waitz
Jinane Abounadi

Christina Chase
Bruce Tidor

Applications Website
Dorothy Curtis

John Liu

Media Relations
Myung-Hee Vabulas
Suzana Lisanti

Myron “Fletch” Freeman

Mary Ellen Sinkus
Jarina Shrestha

MIT Innovation Initiative Interface
Steve Haraguchi
Terri Park

Special Events
Tia Giurleo

Startup Showcase Organizer
Nick Meyer